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Beytüşebap Buplic Eğitim merkezi bir yetişkin eğitim müdürlüğüdür. Beytüşebap Halk Eğitim Merkezi ve Akşam Sanat Okulu yetişkinlere yönelik eğitim veren bir kurumdur. Yetişkinler için en çok kurs açan kurumdur. birçok yerli kurum ile birçok ortak proje yürütmektedir. İlimizin Sanat ve Kültür Merkezidir. Engelliler, kadınlar ve 55+ yaşlılar için birçok kurs var. Koordinatör kuruluş, insanlara farklı türde iş becerileri sunar ve insanların, özellikle engelli insanlar için toplumda aktif olarak aranan ve mevcut olan yeni becerileri öğrenmelerine yardımcı olur. Kurum olarak 15 yaş üstü bireylere çok çeşitli sınıflar ve sertifika kursları ve çeşitli etkinliklerle eğitim veriyoruz. Yerel halk, göçmenler ve mülteciler de dahil olmak üzere toplumun tüm bireylerine genel, mesleki ve okuryazarlık kursları dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli kurslar ve programlar sunmaktadır. Personelimiz, öğrenenler ve öğretmenler arasında bir köprü kurar, öğrencilere çeşitli türde benimseme konferanslarına katılarak farklı çalışma koşulları sağlar. Öğrenciler, yaşadıkları deneyimler sayesinde gelecekleri için pek çok farklı beceri öğreniyorlar. Kurum olarak 15 yaş üstü bireylere çok çeşitli sınıflar ve sertifika kursları ve çeşitli etkinliklerle eğitim veriyoruz. Bizim için daha fazla bilgiyi kurumumuzun sitesinde bulabilirsiniz: www.beytussebaphem.meb.k12.tr

Comité de Liaison Diagonal France

  • We are a network of 60 youth associations, mainly based in Paris and the region, with all kinds of activities: Human Rights, Culture, Sports, Solidarity, Ecology… We give a free hand to all youth associations who want to develop exchanges between European countries and the world. We have sent 12 European Voluntary Services to Latin America. We are an educational cultural youth organization, but with very experienced staff in the field of Education, Training and Youth, different EU funding programmes, in particular, Erasmus+ (former Youth in Action, Youth Programme).

Our activities areas: 

  • International projects to give a more European perspective to youth from its regions and also to its local partners.
  • Activities to promote volunteer projects in France.
  • Projects for international youth and youth workers mobility from the region.
  • Simulations of parliamentary functioning for the promotion of a democratic culture.
  • Meetings for the exchange of good practices amongst our partners and other European associations.

We work with youth and adult people. The organization’s staff includes Researchers in the field of education as well as technicians specialising in Computer Animation, augmented and virtual reality, 3D animation, game engineering, Motion Graphics and Compositing, Computer Engineering and Informatics. More information about us you can find on our website: https://www.societe.com/societe/comite-de-liaison-diagonal-france-800567315.html

Military academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje

Military Academy is a military educational, scientific and research institution for university-level education. It educates personnel for the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia, the system for crisis management and system for protection and rescue. Military Academy is associated member of the State University “Goce Delcev – Stip” and is founded by the Law and functions in accordance with the Law for High education and the Law for scientific-research work in the Republic of North Macedonia. It is accredited by the Ministry of education according to the European credit transfer system, as a high educational and scientific institution. It offers university studies in three cycles (the first cycle finishes by awarding a bachelor degree, the second cycle includes master studies and specializations, and the third cycle PhD).
The University diploma of completed undergraduate studies at the Military Academy is verified in the country, which provides cadets and students with relevant positions for further education within the educational system of the country and other countries members of the Bologna’s process.You can find more info about the programs on the following link:
official website: www.ma.edu.mk

Portugalsociación para el desarrollo SocioEmocional de la persona, la Sociedad para la cooperación Internacional Uno

We work for a future in which society and individuals work in synchrony with and for each other. A future for a world where no one will be left behind and no one will want to isolate himself from his/her/their community. To achieve this vision, we focus our activities on achieving equality, mutual respect, and empathy towards our fellow human beings. 

Our mission:

We aim to promote the concept of life-long learning, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, gender equality, a sustainable way of living, together with the development of Social and Emotional Intelligence skills. By promoting Non-Formal Education methods, we try at reaching the widest possible audience with its projects. Reaching as many possible minds and touching as many possible hearts in shaping the world of today and tomorrow. more information about us you can find on our website: https://www.associaciouno.eu/we-are/

Erasmus co-funded logo

Integrating digital learning is an ERASMUS+ PROJECT

This project is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Project No: 2022-1-TR01-KA210-ADU-000084905 This communication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.