Integration by social and digital learning – ISDL Integrating by social and digital learning is an ERASMUS+ PROJECT Thu, 26 Oct 2023 20:54:25 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Integration by social and digital learning – ISDL 32 32 Integration by Social and Digital Learning Project – Second Transnational Meeting, December 24-26, 2023., Paris, France Thu, 26 Oct 2023 20:50:17 +0000 Integration by Social and Digital Learning Project – Second Transnational Meeting

Date: December 24-26, 2023

Location: Paris

Prepared by: Comité de Liaison Diagonal France

The second transnational meeting of the “Integration by Social and Digital Learning” project took place in Paris from December 24 to 26, 2023. The event brought together participants from Spain, France, Macedonia, and Turkey and featured a series of activities aimed at promoting integration and cooperation. This report summarizes the key activities and outcomes of the meeting.

  1. Sunday, 24 September:

10:00 AM: The day started with a visit to the Musée National de l’Histoire de l’Immigration at Palais de la Porte Dorée, which focused on the history of immigration. Participants explored the museum, gaining insights into the rich cultural tapestry of France.

3:00 PM: In the afternoon, participants visited L’Atelier des Lumières to experience an art exhibition featuring the works of Marc Chagall and Paul Klee. The immersive experience at this digital art center provided a unique perspective on the art of these renowned artists.

  1. Monday, 25 September:

9:00 AM: Participants had the opportunity to meet with Cathy Jankowski, Vice-Mayor in charge of International and Cooperation affairs, at the municipality of Bondy. This meeting facilitated a meaningful exchange with other Municipal Counsellors of Spanish and Turkish origins.

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: In the evening, we visited La Miroiterie in Ivry-sur-Seine, where we engaged in activities such as a video-tape recording studio session with youngsters facing fewer opportunities. This was followed by a delightful apéro dinatoire. Additionally, we interacted with the NGO “Citizens with Entire Part,” gaining insights into the experiences of individuals holding both Algerian and French nationalities.

  1. Tuesday, 26 September:

9:00 AM: The final day of the meeting included a visit to the municipality of Malakoff where we met with Salim Ba, Vice-Mayor in charge of Youth, and other Municipal Counsellors from African and European origins. This meeting provided valuable insights into youth-related initiatives and multicultural cooperation.

4:00 PM: The project concluded with a visit to Bourg la Reine / Foyer de Jeunes Travailleurs in Bourg la Reine, where we met with the director, Abdel Afquir. This visit involved sharing testimonies with young migrants from North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Ukraine, and provided a reflective conclusion to our project meeting.


The second transnational meeting in Paris was a resounding success, providing a platform for participants from diverse backgrounds to engage in meaningful interactions, gain cultural insights, and share experiences related to integration and cooperation. The activities offered a holistic perspective on the challenges and opportunities in our project’s focus areas. We look forward to the continued success of the “Integration by Social and Digital Learning” project.


We express our gratitude to all participants, partner organizations, and individuals who contributed to the success of this transnational meeting in Paris. We also extend our appreciation to the host organizations and institutions for their warm hospitality and support.





In the period 02-06.05.2023, the first transnational meeting of the Erasmus Project Integration through Social and Digital Learning, KA210-ADU – “Integration by social and digital learning – ISDL” Project no. 2022-1-TR01-KA210-ADU-000084905., was held in Shirnak, Turkiye.

The meeting started with welcoming speech by coordinator Mrs Setenay ÇAYIR and Mr Ferat ÜNSAL, which briefly presented the purpose of the project, results, users and the current phase of the project.  After the opening speech, each of the project partners had the opportunity to present their institutions and the activities they are conducting.  The meeting discussed future tasks, including the PRELIMINARY REPORT on the state of integration policy in partner countries, as well as the timeframe in which they should be implemented.

Following partner countries were at the meeting: Beytüşşebap Halk Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü (Host partner and coordinator) – Mrs. Satı Setenay ÇAYIR – Mr. Mesut KILIÇ – Mr. Nazmi GÜZEL – Mr. Adil CİN – Mr. Fırat ÜNSAL Comité de Liaison Diagonal France (P1) – Mr. Gerard FENOY Republic of North Macedonia University Goce Delchev Shtip – Military academy – “General Mihajlo Apostolski” – Skopje  (P2) – D-r Andrej ILIEV and D-r Nenad TANESKI, Asociación para el Desarrollo socioemocional de la persona, la sociedad y para la cooperación Internacional Uno (P3) – Mr. Giovanni GONELLA and Mr. Patrizio RICCI (Online).

First TPM meeting will take place between 2-6 May 2023 in ŞIRNAK-TÜRKİYE Mon, 20 Mar 2023 09:57:19 +0000

First TPM meeting will take place between 2-6 May 2023 in ŞIRNAK-TÜRKİYE
